WV African American Tobacco Prevention Network Training | October 20-21 | Beckley WV
WV African American Tobacco Prevention Network Training. The agenda is attached. Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WVAATPN2023 In-Person and Zoom Options October 20th: 5 pm Dinner at Tamarack with Motown Performance at 6pm October 21st: 830am-4 pm: Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Training
2023 Mental Health Spring Conference – March 30th – Get your tickets now!
ANNOUNCEMENT: De-Escalation Techniques for First Responders, April 5, 2023 (1:00PM – 3:00PM)
We hope you’ll join us for this exciting webinar! Please be sure to indicate if you need any accommodations for this event. Registration will close a few days prior to the event. Once closed, you will receive an email with the handouts for the training. Please let us know if you have any questions. Register […]
Mind Body Wellness is excited to announce a new support group: Toxic Workplace Survivors Group.
Mind Body Wellness is excited to announce a new support group: Toxic Workplace Survivors Group. This support group will help you regain your footing, regain your confidence and take back your power in the face of workplace bullying. Whether you have escaped your toxic situation, or you’re still trying to cope with your bully, find support from others who are, […]
Social work Students Complete Community Projects
Seniors in the School of Social Work are wrapping up collaborations with multiple community agencies focused on areas of social work practice, including safe sex education, necessities for all, trauma-informed care in school and many others. One group was able to complete their project through the Think Kids Supporting School Wellness Project. Students in this […]